Rubber Tube Lure
To make a rubber tube lure, cut off about a 6 in. length of a surgical rubber tubing and then slice the tail, at an angle, for a length of about 2 in. so that the side of the rubber not removed forms a tapering tail.
Then get a long-shanked hook such as a Pacific Bass, in size 5/0 or 6/0, and tie a nylon monofilament leader to the hook eye. Then slide the rubber tube on the leader and down the hook.
The hook should be covered by the rubber tube, allowing only the bend and point to protrude. This lure is trolled for such fish as bluefish, striped bass, bonito, and albacore and for best results should spin freely. See illustration below.

Bending the hook shank increases the spinning action. This lure should have a good swivel attached to the end of the leader because of its spinning qualities.
The rubber tube lure described here is trolled because it is too light to cast. But you can cast it if you add a keel sinker in front or slip a small egg-shaped sinker on the leader ahead of the rubber tube to provide weight for casting. See illustration below.

The rubber tube lure in its natural amber rubber color catches fish, but it can also be painted white, silver, light blue, yellow, red, or black. The paint will chip after a while, but can be renewed every so often.
Rubber tube lures should be examined to see if the rubber is still intact. Certain fish such as bluefish will slash the rubber tube with their sharp teeth. If the tube is badly cut it should be replaced with a new one. The hook, too, should be examined for rust.
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