Metal Squids
Metal Squids That Resemble Baitfish
Metal squids are used by many saltwater fishermen and are especially popular for surf fishing. They can also be used for casting or trolling from a boat in saltwater.
Metal squids come in various sizes and weights, and in general look somewhat like a small boat with a V-shaped keel. Long and narrow squids are called sand-eel squids because they resemble this saltwater baitfish.
Others are shorter and a bit broader, and simulate various baitfish such as spearing or silversides and other saltwater minnows. Still other squids are broad and deep and resemble mullet, menhaden, herring, and other deep-bodied baitfish.
You'll find plenty of metal-squids for sale in the fishing tackle stores near the ocean, especially along the Atlantic Coast. You can buy one of these and make a mold of it.
All you have to do, beforehand, is file off the hook and fill the hole where the line is attached with clay or wax or some other substance.
But quite a few anglers like to design their own metal-squids and this can be done by carving a pattern from soft wood, plastic wax, or some similar substance.
I've used balsa wood with great success. This soft wood is very easy to work and the only thing to do after you have finished the pattern is to varnish or shellac it to waterproof it and give it a smooth finish.
Some of the basic types of metal-squids which you
can follow when making your pattern are shown in the illustration below.

The methods used in casting metal squids are quite similar to those described for making
fishing jigs
. There are some differences, however, so we will describe the procedure in detail. Stay tuned to this space while I prepare a special ecourse for you...
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