Fish Bait Formulas is a good read to educate, instruct and inform fishermen about the way to make their own fish bait at home, and have fun doing it while saving money and catching more fish!
Why hot: The four bonuses that are offered with the purchase of Fish Bait Formulas are:
(1) a secret ingredient
(2) secrets of how to get free fishing related items
(3) all back issues of the Fish Bait and Lure Newsletter and
(4) a subscription to future issues of the Fish Bait and Lure Newsletter.
The fish bait formulas that are revealed in the Fish Bait Formulas ebook are quick to make and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to follow the instructions. The ingredients are mostly found at local supermarkets and they are very inexpensive. Using these homemade fish baits can increase your catch rate many times over.
Why not: There are no real disadvantages that are discernable for this product other than the fact that some of the ingredients called for can be a bit difficult to locate. Most ingredients are easily found in local stores. Anyways, the person who goes fishing but doesn't care if a fish is caught and doesn't want to get their hands dirty wouldn't want this product either.
Money-back refund: Yes! There is a 60-days guarantee of satisfaction for the customer. If within 60 days the customer is not totally satisfied with the product he can ask for and receive a full refund of the purchase price.
Worth your money: With all of the added free gifts this is indeed an excellent value product.